Orange County
Historical Society

OCHS Mission Statement

To cooperate with regional historical societies in Orange County, to advance the cause of history in Orange County, and to engage in any and/or all of the usual activities of a county historical society.

To promote and encourage historical research; to acquire by purchase, gift, devise, or otherwise, the title to, or the custody and control of historic spots and places; to preserve and protect buildings and sites of historic interest; to collect and preserve records, relics, and other things of historic interest; to mark places of historic interest with suitable monuments and markers; to foster and promote public knowledge of and interest in local and national history.


The Society accomplishes its mission through the activities of Volunteers.

We are located at the site of the Clove Furnace!

Clove Furnace >

Orange County Historical Society
21 Clove Furnace Drive, Box 55
Arden, New York, 10910
Copyright © Orange County Historical Society. All Rights Reserved.